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Dogs often chew on things they shouldn't. Unfortunately, this can lead to potentially life-threatening blockages. Here, our Halifax veterinarians discuss intestinal blockages in dogs, including the signs, timeline, and what to expect during and after surgery.

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Intestinal Blockages in Dogs

Does your pup have a habit of chewing on household objects or eating things they shouldn't? If so, there’s a chance your dog may experience an intestinal blockage at some point in their life. All it takes is your dog ingesting one small object to cause a severe blockage in their gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which can lead to major surgery, large veterinary bills, potentially serious complications. Sadly, these complications can sometimes be fatal.

Causes of Intestinal Blockages

Intestinal blockages happen when something blocks the intestines. In dogs, the most common cause of an intestinal blockage is foreign objects like toys, clothing, bones, or rocks getting stuck in the digestive tract, leading to complete or partial obstruction.

These blockages can happen anywhere along the digestive tract. Some may be able to pass into the esophagus but not into the stomach. Others may pass into the stomach but not into the intestines or become lodged in a dog's intricate twists and turns.

However, intestinal obstructions in dogs can also be caused by masses within the intestines and bowel opening. These masses can be associated with different types of tumours. Other causes of obstruction include intussusception (where one part of the intestine slides into another), hernias, and masses originating from other organs.

Signs of Intestinal Blockages in Dogs

Without visual confirmation that your dog has swallowed a foreign object, the symptoms of intestinal blockages may be easily mistaken for an upset stomach until the condition becomes advanced.

If your dog has an intestinal blockage, the symptoms they display can include:

  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Straining or unable to poop
  • Abdomen is painful to the touch
  • Whining
  • Bloating
  • Dehydration
  • Restlessness
  • Aggressive behaviour when the abdomen is touched

One of the most commonly asked questions is, 'Can a dog die from an intestinal blockage?'. In this situation, the worst outcome can occur if they are not promptly treated. If left untreated, a blockage can cause serious and life-threatening problems, including severe dehydration, decreased blood flow to the intestines, and even enough damage to the intestines that causes the tissue to die. This can result in a bowel rupture, which can be fatal.

Timeline for Treatment of Intestinal Blockages in Dogs

If an intestinal blockage is not treated promptly, it can press against the intestinal wall, causing damage to the intestines and potentially leading to tissue death. Dogs with a complete intestinal blockage will usually experience fatal complications within three to four days if they do not receive appropriate and timely treatment.

In the case of intestinal blockage, time is of the essence. If your dog does not naturally pass the object and shows signs of intestinal blockage, contact your primary care veterinarian or our emergency veterinary hospital immediately. If they determine that the foreign object poses an immediate threat, emergency surgery will be necessary.

Surgery to Treat Intestinal Blockages

If you notice any of the symptoms above, it’s essential to visit your veterinarian immediately. They will begin by performing a physical examination of your pup.

Next, they will likely conduct diagnostic imaging tests to try to visually locate the blockage. One such test is an endoscopy, which inserts an endoscope (a small tube with a tiny attached camera) through your dog's mouth and into their gastrointestinal tract. They will be sedated for this diagnostic procedure. In some cases, the veterinarian will also be able to retrieve the object using endoscopy. If not, your veterinarian will likely perform an ultrasound or X-ray to determine the specifics of the obstruction and where it is located in the digestive tract.

Your veterinarian may administer IV (intravenous) fluids to combat dehydration. These fluids may also encourage the GI tract to push the object through the intestines and out of the body.

If other means have not been successful in expelling the blockage, your veterinarian might determine that surgery is needed to remove the object, clear up the blockage and restore your dog's health.

If your dog requires intestinal blockage surgery, the cost can vary based on factors such as the diagnostic testing needed and the severity and location of the blockage. Speak with your veterinarian to learn more about the costs associated with the surgery.

Preparing for Intestinal Blockage Surgery

While your dog isn't likely to have an appetite, your veterinarian will ask that you withhold food leading up to the surgery. You should also inform your veterinarian if your dog does eat anything they shouldn't have before the procedure. This can cause severe complications while your dog is under anesthesia.

Prior to beginning, your dog will have X-rays or ultrasounds to confirm the location of the blockage, and bloodwork will be performed to evaluate your dog's health before they are anesthetized. Your dog will then be sedated, have a catheter placed, and have their abdomen shaved as the final steps before surgery.

What happens during intestinal blockage surgery for dogs?

The veterinary surgeon will begin by making an incision along your dog's abdomen. They will then expose the gastrointestinal tract to locate the mass or foreign body obstructing the bowels. A second incision will then be made to remove the mass or blockage. This is referred to as enterotomy or gastronomy. In some cases, a section of the intestine may need to be removed if the blockage causes significant damage or if the tumour is too large.

How long does the surgery take, and what is the success rate?

Intestinal blockage surgery in dogs typically takes one to four hours, depending on the severity of the blockage and any complications that may arise during the procedure. It is important to consult with your veterinarian for a more accurate estimate based on your dog's individual circumstances.

Intestinal blockage surgery in dogs can have varying success rates depending on the cause and the dog's overall health. However, on average, this type of surgery has a very good success rate, with many dogs fully recovering and returning to normal activities.

What should you expect during your dog's recovery from surgery?

Once your dog is home from surgery, you will need to ensure that their movement and activity are limited. Only take your dog on short walks for the first week to prevent sutures from tearing. Your dog will also need to wear an Elizabethan collar (e-collar or cone) to stop them from chewing on or licking the affected area.

You will want to keep your dog well-hydrated. You can begin feeding your dog very small amounts of bland food before gradually transitioning to their regular diet.

Your veterinarian will prescribe post-surgery pain medication for your dog to keep them comfortable during the initial days of recovery. Be sure to follow the directions closely when administering this medication.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Is your dog displaying signs of a potential intestinal blockage? Contact our veterinarians at Coastal Care Veterinary Emergency & Referral Hospital in Halifax for 24/7 emergency veterinary care.

Intestinal Blockage Surgery for Dogs

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