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If you are a veterinarian who would like to refer a patient to our exotic animal vet at Coastal Care Veterinary Emergency & Referral Hospital, please fill out the form below and submit all pertinent medical records.

IMPORTANT: If this is an emergency; please complete the Emergency Referral form.

Fill Out Referral Form

Exotics Referral Process

If you are a primary care veterinarian, learn how to refer a patient to our exotics services, and and what to expect throughout the process. 

  • Our goal is to work together to provide the best standard of care. This means being available to discuss ongoing cases between our ER veterinarians, specialists and referring veterinarians.
    - The Coastal Care Team

Referring Veterinarian (if applicable)

Owner Information

Patient Information

Medical Information

Supporting Information

Exotics Referrals

Caring for Pets in Atlantic Canada

Our specialists are pleased to accept new patients by referral from primary care veterinarians. Our emergency service welcomes all clients – 24/7/365. 

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