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My Pet Can't Stand & Keeps Falling: Causes & What to Do

It can be stressful to notice sudden changes in your pet's behaviour - and even more concerning to see them feeling ill or falling down. Here, our veterinary team in Halifax shares some potential reasons your dog or cat can't stand up or is staggering like they are drunk, what signs to watch for, and how they may be treated.

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Dogs Eating Grass: Why they do it and is it safe?

Our veterinarians at Coastal Care Veterinary Emergency & Referral Hospital see furry companions from across Halifax and Dartmouth who have spent a little too much time chomping on the lawn. This can result in potentially serious internal conditions and infections. But why do dogs eat grass, what are the pros and cons, and is it ever safe for them to do so?

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Displaying Posts in Internal Medicine

Caring for Pets in Atlantic Canada

Our specialists are pleased to accept new patients by referral from primary care veterinarians. Our emergency service welcomes all clients – 24/7/365. 

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